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Our office is situated at the heart of Canada’s largest French-speaking province. Our team is well-versed in Canadian French language and culture in accordance with any applicable languages laws.

 Did you know?

Metropolitan French and Quebec French, evolving from the same roots, are two distinct varieties of French.


The French language has certain differences between France and Quebec. However, there are little differences in the written official documents. The main difference lies in the spoken language used every day.

  1. Accent

If you pay close attention when a Quebecer speaks, you will notice that French spoken in Paris has different sounding. Their accents, vowels pronunciation and consonants can also differ.

  1. Vocabulary

Over the past centuries, those two varieties of French language have undergone radical changes. The idioms, words and expressions reflect its history and culture. The majority of Quebecers whose mother tongue is French, are descendants of French settlers who had moved to New France in the 17th century. Their French language was influenced by the Indigenous people, Irish, Scottish, British and much more, which might explain some anglicisms and regionalisms.

Here are some words spoken by Quebecers and French people:


 Quebec French Metropolitan French English meaning
Une job Un travail / un emploi Job
Souliers Chaussures Shoes
Faire du magasinage Faire des courses To do shopping
Barrer Verrouiller To lock

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